Big, new trend in healthcare: telling patients how much their care will cost
Puget Sound Business Journal, Dec. 12, 2014 – In a push for health care cost transparency that came along with the Affordable Care Act, more and more hospitals and health systems are starting to implement cost estimators to reduce confusion when patients try to understand how much they'll be paying for a medical service.
Monroe's Valley General Hospital to become part of EvergreenHealth
Puget Sound Business Journal, Dec. 12, 2014 – In a push for health care cost transparency that came along with the Affordable Care Act, more and more hospitals and health systems are starting to implement cost estimators to reduce confusion when patients try to understand how much they'll be paying for a medical service.
Monroe's Valley General Hospital to become part of EvergreenHealth
Puget Sound Business Journal, Nov. 21, 2014 – Monroe's Valley General Hospital will officially become a part of Kirkland's EvergreenHealth effective March 1.
EvergreenHealth and Valley General Hospital finalize alliance agreement; VGH to join EvergreenHealth
EvergreenHealth NEWS RELEASE – Nov. 19, 2014 – EvergreenHealth and Valley General Hospital announced today that their respective Boards of Commissioners have voted to approve the third and final phase of an alliance agreement in which Valley General Hospital in Monroe, Washington will become part of the Kirkland-based health care system and managed by EvergreenHealth.
How your marketing can succeed in the confusing new world of health care
Puget Sound Business Journal – July 25, 2014
Puget Sound Business Journal – July 25, 2014
Clinically Integrated Networks and Contracts with Commercial Payers: The New Frontier
Why clinically integrated networks can be a very effective vehicle for improving quality while reducing the overall cost of healthcare.
Meet The New Health Care Consumer
It appears that big businesses are using “Obamacare” as cover for moving employees to public and private insurance exchanges.