Paul Buehrens, MD, EHP Medical Director |
EHP begins as an entity recognized for its value: higher quality and service at the best value. We have highly engaged physician leaders, and a strong base for collaborative work. We are positioned to lead the way in what the Institute for Healthcare Improvement calls the “Triple Aim” with our commitment to improving quality, lowering cost and elevating the patient experience.
For EHP members, incentive alignment means everyone benefits: the practice gets to benchmark with colleagues, leverage our quality improvement efforts and improve our value. We also have the opportunity to receive financial rewards for our quality.
For our patients, it means they can rest assured knowing their care is being guided by proven, evidence-based standards.
I like to look at EHP this way:
The cost of getting in: nothing, with the exception of some engagement and a possible IT investment.
The cost of getting out: 90 days’ notice.
The benefit to patients, providers, payers, and the nation: priceless!
Thank you for your participation!
Paul Buehrens, MD
Medical Director