Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Quality Initiative Changes

We hear you!  Thanks to your feedback, we’ve paired down the number of measures to relieve some of the burden on your clinics.

PQRS 46 – Everybody 
This is the quality measure that generated the most calls from clinics asking how to do we’ve decided to remove it for this year.  Once  we have population healthcare software, it will be easier to enable medication reconciliation.

PQRS 46, 53 and 134 – Primary Care and Internal Medicine
Some questions came up regarding the number of PQRS measures for primary care and internal medicine (they had 7 PQRS and 1 inpatient measure) which was considerably more than any other specialty.  Some practices were struggling with the load, so the Quality Committee  decided to remove these measures:

PQRS 46 – medication reconciliation (removed from all specialties)
PQRS 53 – asthma: pharmacologic therapy for persistent asthma
PQRS 134 – preventive health depression screening